Monday, October 29, 2007

Two New Tanka

Having posting problems with our google-ized website, Kamome has sent these two tanka to be posted on his behalf. Both were 'Made in England' recently. Please take a moment to leave him a comment (click the comments button below this post!).

Psychotic grateful

After much unburdening -

'God will reward you'.

On the way back home I stoop

To pick up a two-pound coin.

Abandoned kitten

Clings desperately to my jeans:

'Please look after me!' -

If only I had done so,

We would both have had a home.


Saturday, October 27, 2007

At Mikami Shrine

Here are some things that limited space and passed deadline prevented from being considered for inclusion in the forthcoming Hailstone book due in December. Not to worry: we have this blog to fool around with. What didn't get into the book, can be eaten up right here.
This spat of poems was composed in the shadow of Mikami Jinja, out Yasu way in Shiga Pref. A very old shrine, it is the leading god of the area and a very busy place all year round. The haiku are seasonal, but were all written at nearly the same time, not in the seasons they celebrate.
Munch away:

can’t fall for fall ‘cause
winter’s nearing;
yet, these sunsets do make sense

sunset over the shrine
viewed beneath the torii:
too much, too much

a red torii
up thru this deep snow
warms me on a black-white day

shrine green, shrine crimson,
shrine breeze, shrine banners,
welcome me to shrine spring

shimmering shrine in August’s heat,
red torii burning my eyes

beside the torii, beside its pond,
beside my girl, beside myself

the black troops flying home,
rest on the torii, watch,
with me, our sunset

"Black troops" refers to the countless crows on the east side of Lake Biwa. Beyond numbering.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

A new, beautiful, hand-made haiku chapbook "The Moon and Insects"

A new, beautiful, hand-made haiku chapbook, “The Moon and Insects”, compiled and edited in 2007 spring by Jane Wieman is now available. Twenty nine (involving those in covers) nice poems by sixteen poets are collected by her.

old leaves
enlaced in older cobwebs
in winter sun
500 yen per copy + postal fee. Through the COMMENT key, please.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Urban Ginko to Tenroku, N. Osaka

Eleven hailstones gathered at Tenjinbashi-suji street 3-cho-me (Tensan) in the late morning on September 13 and the lingering summer heat (35 degrees C on the day) first struck them.

hot morning commute
assailed by a waft of trash,
Thursday (Moya)

The street is the old approach to Osaka Temma-gu Shrine, dedicated to Sugawara-no-Michizane (845-903), a great scholar, venerated as a God of Study later. Hailstone, a group of persons maybe loving study, naturally was going to visit it and just in front of its gate, there was “Hanjo-Tei”…

Outside the rakugo theatre
Surrounded by plastic daisies –
Gerald fools. (Tito)

windless summer day
at Tenmangu Shrine –
scent of centuries past (Kaoru)

After prayer, and then lunch at Tensan again, they went ahead toward Tenjinbashi-suji 6-cho-me (Tenroku) through the crowded street of new and old stores selling anything and everything, also new and old.
September sun strikes
His ‘50s clock at 2 –
The bicycle repairman. (Tito)

afternoon market –
memories, shadows
and roasted barley flour (Mizuho)

In the bustling arcade
a training monk with his bowl –
late summer heat (Akito)

When Hailstone arrived at Tenroku, they found themselves completely melted. However, what high-spirited persons they were to further study the old houses and shops exhibited in the Museum of Housing and Living!
Breakup at 17:00.
Participants: Akito M., Gerald S., Hisashi M., Kazuko T., Moya B., Mari K., Mizuho S., Reiko H., Stephen G. (T), Shun S., Kaoru G.